
I must put it out there that I'm not going to advertise who I am. I'm well aware that you can find my IP address, which I know nothing about, nor do I care to find out about for this purpose. But for the mass, who don't care who I am either, I will not be changing my IP address or anything of that nature. I just happen to work in an environment that prides it self on the utmost professionalism and image. And showing off my unglorified midsection now, and glorified one later : ), wouldn't really help me climb the ladder at work. I'm no one important, really. I just don't need to embarrass my boss, fellow staff, and or end up in the news. I think we all try to strive for that right? I hope for whoever reads this, if anyone, that's alright.
But here are some things I'm happy to share about myself. I started tracying in July of 2009, and haven't lifted a forbidden 3.1+ lb weight since. I've also introduced many, many people to Tracy since then. You can't keep something this good a secret. Hmm, maybe I should get commission for all those customers. . . . Anyhow, I identify a lot with Tracy and her struggle. A girl who understands needing dessert every night, or after every meal, is my kind a girl. Her approach, is simply refreshing and right. That being said, I continued to run. My marathons are like my blood. I need them. Running made me feel like nothing else can. Also, I eat whatever I want. I'm a healthy eater, except for the treats and eating past that satisfied point. So maybe not that healthy after all. . . . A few months ago I was really having a falling out with Trac. (Yes we are a nickname basis.) See I knew we all needed a new plan every 10 days, she herself tells us that, but we don't have a new plan every 10 days. When would this website actually come out? She's busy with her celebrity clients, I know. And who could blame her? They bring in the dough that us at home followers just can't. But I couldn't just wait around. I'm not getting any tinier by doing Mat Workout anymore. And honestly I felt the 30-Day Method was just another temporary fix. That all changed when I found Laura's AH-mazing, all inspiring, HOLY GRAIL results blog. My goodness, her change was phenomenal. So I decided then and there, I'm doing BC, 30 days, by the book. Of course I had to wait until now, I had already signed up for a race with a friend, and then there was Christmas, which I knew Tracy would not support me running during BC, nor dieting during Christmas, so January 3rd became the day.
I've been so excited for this to start. Those results, just what I'm shooting for. Of course, it will be hard. Days of wanting to quit, arguing with myself, hurting, crying, sick, hungry, moody, cursing Tracy's name, all of it I expect. But it will be worth it. Like Tracy said, "There is no fairy dust. Only you, your commitment, and the workout." I'd like to say there is fairy dust, it is in the tools she gives us, to achieve perfection. But we must use that, work for that, so here is to sweatin' fairy dust!
Pictures, stats, grocery list, prep and all that to come soon.
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