Changing Tracy's method. . . doesn't work.
Why do we even try to?? She tells us that. Five almonds. Five, can throw off that perfect body during this time.
Well I'm scared of those five almonds now. Lesson learned.
Since I struggled so much on my first try, I decided to work my way up to BC. It's pathetic. I'm aware. First step, cutting out sugar, done. Well seven days done, but done nevertheless. Second step, cutting out bread, done, only three days, but hey, I don't think that's ever happen. Unless you count when I lived in China, but even there I was known to hunt down bread among the endless bowls of rice.
After one more day of this, I will start over, and do BC as Tracy prescribes. This time I'll keep it up. No lick, bite, or taste extra. By the book.
Holy goodness help me.
Alice, you will totally do this chica! Don't give up on yourself, cuz I sure haven't. Take a deep breath and go for it all guns blazing. We all have minor setbacks, cuz we are human, so don't be discouraged :)