Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 2 & 3: Recap

When I woke yesterday morning, first thought was, "bum sore." But when I went to rub out that soreness, I noticed something was there. Actually, something was not there.

To preface this: my bum is not an issue for me. It doesn't sag, to the contrary actually. And it just happens to be tight. Don't hate. So the perfect bum that Tracy talks about, hasn't been a motivator, at all. Rather the teeny tiny arms and flat stomach, are what gets me motivated. More on that another day.

But, back to yesterday morning. The side of my upper bum was definitely pulled, and bolted, to a whole other location. Concaved overnight. Seriously, how does that happen?? Thanks Trac.

The food was fine yesterday. No complaints. I really wonder if the cucumber relish was a typo. Calls for one whole English cucumber, to serve one??? As a snack, that's just too much. Even for a food addict like myself.

Workout: I was tired, and quite sluggish. Maybe 60 reps was a bit too much for day one. So I did 40 reps for the bum, 55 reps for abs, 10 reps for minutes for arms, and 40 minutes of cardio. Definitely lack energy on the cardio yesterday, but hey at least I showed up.

And 2lbs down after day 2.

Today, day three, the minute I woke up I knew I was hit with the Tracy "flu."

This of course comes after the night before thinking, "what if I don't get the tracy flu?" "Am I doing something wrong?" "It isn't working for me!"

Little did I know it was coming.

I wanted to throw up. In fact I eventually did. The thought of that omelette, sounded so sick. To keep myself from throwing up I ate my 1 C. of blueberries, from my day's snack. I opted out of the veggies in the eggs, and topped it with a bit of cheese. Yes, not TAM approved. But I knew it would help my stomach, which happens to be especially sensitive. An hour after breakfast I had my apple, from the applesauce snack. Then a few hours after that, I was feeling loads better. Good thing today was a holiday.

The rest of the food was good. Had it before, knew what was coming.

I love this dish with all my heart. Yum Yum. 

I've decided I can do without eating endives ever again though. That bitterness is just not my thing.

I haven't done my workout yet. Will do. No worries. I have some people coming over in a bit, and then I'll work out.

Despite being a morning person, I've realized I'm better off working out in the evening. Reasoning: I hate the feeling of missing out on something. And since I love mornings, I like to be up really early, getting things done, other than my workout, so I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. In the evening, I really don't care, because I'm not an evening person. And I'm fine working out after a late night out. I'd rather do it that way.

Until next time. . . .

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